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- $Id: THANKS 15555 2006-05-06 12:50:08Z xtophe $
- VLC makes extensive use of the following persons' code:
- Aaron Holtzman <aholtzma at ess.engr.uvic.ca> - AC3 decoder, MPEG video decoder
- Michel Lespinasse <walken at zoy.org> - AC3 decoder, MPEG audio and video decoders
- The VideoLAN team would like to thank the following contributors:
- Alex Antropoff <alant at transtelecom dot md> - RFC3016 (LATM) RTP packetizer extension
- Alexander Didebulidze <alexander.didebulidze at stusta dot mhn dot de> - Georgian localization
- Alexander Gall <gall at switch dot ch> - Solaris fixes and CDDB fixes
- Alex Izvorski <aizvorski at gmail dot com> - some more x264 options
- André de Barros Martins Ribeiro <andrerib at ajato.com.br> - Brazilian portuguese localization
- Andre Pang <adre.pang at csiro dot au> - Annodex support
- Andres Krapf <dae at via.ecp.fr> - FreeBSD port and tests, KDE interface
- Andrey Brilevskiy <director at macwest.ru> - Russian translation
- Andy Lindsay <andy_vl at ananam.com> - fixes in the TS demux
- Arkadiusz Lipiec <A.Lipiec at elka.pw.edu.pl> - Polish translation
- Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek at pld.ORG.PL> - autoconf and Makefile patches
- Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale <arnaud at carrosse.frmug.org> - autoconf patches
- Arwed v. Merkatz <v.merkatz at gmx dot net> - Gamma correction for adjust filter
- Barak Ori <barakori at gmail dot com> - Bidi fixes
- Benjamin Mironer <bmironer at noos.fr> - Mac OS X fixes
- Benoit Steiner <benny at via.ecp.fr> - MPEG system input, network input
- Bill Eldridge <bill at rfa.org> - documentation
- Bob Maguire <maguirer at rjmaguire dot com> - addition of some controls to the OSX interface
- Brian Robb <vascy at hotmail dot com> - win32 CD/DVD drive detection in wx, bug fixes
- Brieuc Jeunhomme <bbp at via.ecp.fr> - bug fixes
- Bruno Vella <allevb at tin.it> - Italian localization
- Carlo Calabrò <murray at via.ecp.fr> - Italian localization
- Carsten Gottbehüt <gottbehuet at active-elements dot de> - v4l hotplug fix
- Chris Clepper - OpenGL fix
- Christian Henz - libupnp service discovery plugin, CyberLink UPnP fixes
- Christof Baumgaertner - dbox web intf
- Christophe Mutricy <xtophe at nxtelevision dot com> - many fixes (preferences, M3U, ...)
- Christopher Johnson <cjohnson at mint.net> - Qt fix in vlc.spec
- Colin Simmonds <colin_simmonds at Mac.lover.org> - compile fix for Mac OS X
- Damian Ivereigh <damian at cisco.com> - ac3dec uninitialized data structure fix
- Damien Fouilleul <damien.fouilleul at laposte.net> - DirectShow input improvements
- Daniel Fischer <dan at subsignal dot org> - Shoutcast output support
- Daniel Stränger <vlc at schmaller d0t de> - M3U, xtag and playlist improvements. Meta information core fixes. XSPF playlist support
- David Kennedy <dkennedy at tinytoad.com> - X11 fullscreen patch
- Daniel Dreibrodt, aka aLtgLasS <daniel d.t dreibrodt -@t- gmx d0t de> - VLC 0.8.5 default skin
- Daniel Nylander <info@danielnylander at se> - Swedish translation
- David Weber <david_weber at gmx.de> - Mac OS X interface design & graphics (v0.5.0)
- Davor Orel <syntheticamac at yahoo.it> - Mac OS X icons
- Dennis van Amerongen <Dennis dot vanAmerongen at nob dot nl> - x264 options unification
- DirektX <direktx at freemail.hu> - Hungarian translation
- Emmanuel Blindauer <manu at agat.net> - aRts audio output
- Enrico Gueli <e_gueli at yahoo.it> - Brightness threshold in adjust video filter
- Espen Skoglund <esk at ira.uka.de> - FreeBSD autoconf and Makefile patches
- Ethan C. Baldridge <BaldridgeE at cadmus.com> - directory browsing code
- Eurodata Computer Club <retron.info> - VLC icon design (v0.8.4)
- François Seingier <francois.seingier at club-internet.fr> - TTL setting in the wx stream output dialog
- Frank Chao <frank0624 at gmail.com> - Chinese Traditional translation
- Fumio Nakayama <endymion at ca2.so-net.ne.jp> - Japanese translation
- Gregory Hazel <ghazel at gmail dot com> - wxWidgets fixes and improvements
- Goetz Waschk <waschk at informatik.uni-rostock dot de> - Mandrake packages
- Haakon Meland Eriksen - Norwegian translation
- Han HoJoong <0demon0 at paran dot com> - Korean translation
- Hans-Peter Jansen <hpj at urpla.net> - patch for module options handling
- Jan Gerber <j at v2v dot org> - patch theora decoding aspect ratio
- Jan Van Boghout <vlc at macrabbit.com> - iTunes like slider for OSX intf
- Javier Varela <tonxabar at hotmail.com> - Spanish translation
- Jean-Alexis Montignies <ja at sente.ch> - coreaudio multiple streams fix
- Jean-Baptiste le Stang <jp.lestand at lestang.org> - Equalizer-GUI-fixes (OSX)
- Jean-Philippe Grimaldi <jeanphi at via.ecp.fr> - bug fixes
- Jean-Pierre Kuypers <Kuypers at sri.ucl.ac.be> - French translation
- Jeffrey Baker <jwbaker at acm.org> - port of the ALSA plugin to the ALSA 1.0 API
- Jeroen Massar <jeroen at unfix dot org> - IPv6 hostname resolution fix
- Jérôme Guilbaud - Update of the WinAmp 5 VLC skin
- Joel Arvidsson <dogai at privat.utfors.se> - Swedish translation
- Joeri van Dooren <joeri at van.dooren.be> - OS X icon (v0.4.0)
- Johen Michael Zorko <zorko at att.net> - fix for delay issues in udp sout
- John Paul Lorenti <jpl31 at columbia.edu> - ALSA device selection patch
- Jonas Larsen <jonas at vrt.dk> - Danish translation
- Julien Blache <jb at technologeek.org> - disc ejection code
- kty0ne - WinAmp 5 skin for VLC
- Laurent Jonqueres <laurent_jonqueres at yahoo.fr> - Occitan localization
- Laurent Mutricy <laurent.mutricy at ecl2005 dot ec-lyon dot fr> - HTTP interface fixes
- Lorena Gomes - Catalan translation
- Marc Nolette <nolette at videotron.ca> - PVR support in DirectShow input
- Marco Munderloh <Marco.Munderloh at web.de> - HTTP fix for Win32 to URL filenames
- Mark Gritter <mgritter at kealia.com> - fix for netlist packet leak in demuxPSI
- Markus Kern <markus-kern at gmx dot net> - video output window fixes (win32)
- Markus Kuespert <ltlBeBoy at beosmail.com> - BeOS CSS support
- Mathias C. Berens | welcome-soft <berens at welcome-soft.de> - German translation
- Mathias Kretschmer <mathias at research.att.com> - IP Multicast support
- Mats Rojestal <mats.rojestal at bredband dot net> - compilation fixes for Solaris 9
- Matthieu Lochegnies <lochegm1 at cti.ecp.fr> - MPEG audio emphasis fix
- Max Rudberg <max_08 at mac.com> - Mac OS X controller art (v0.7.0)
- Michael Mondragon <mammon at lokmail.net> - ncurses compilation fix
- Mickael Hoerdt <hoerdt at clarinet.u-strasbg.fr> - IPv6 SSM multicast patch
- Mike Schrag <mschrag at pobox dot com> - directx device selection
- Michel Lanners <mlan at cpu.lu> - fixed typos and AltiVec detection
- Moritz Bunkus <moritz at bunkus dot org> - Matroska patches
- Morten Brix Pedersen <morten at wtf.dk> - Danish translation
- Nilmoni Deb <ndeb at ece.cmu.edu> - autoconf and Makefile fixes
- Olivier Aubert <oaubert at bat710.univ-lyon1.fr> - clone list patch
- Olivier Pomel <pomel at via.ecp.fr> - original VLC code
- Ondrej Kuda aka Albert <kuda at natur dot cuni dot cz> - HTTP interface tips and fixes
- √òyvind Kolbu <oyvindk at world-online.no> - FreeBSD patches
- Patrick Horn <patrickd0thorn at mindspring d0t com> - DirectShow patch
- Paul Mackerras <paulus at linuxcare.com.au> - AltiVec IDCT and motion
- Pavlov Konstantin “thresh” - several Linux build system fixes
- Philippe Van Hecke <philippe at belnet dot be> - SAP header hash patch
- Pierre Marc Dumuid <pierre.dumuid at adelaide dot edu dot au> - Playlist patches
- Régis Duchesne <regis at via.ecp.fr> - original VLC code
- Remco Poortinga <poortinga at telin.nl> - IPv6 multicast patch
- Rene Gollent <rgollent at u.arizona.edu> - BeOS interface fix
- Roine Gustafsson <roine at popstar.com> - spudec bug fixes
- Rudolf Cornelissen <rag.cornelissen at inter.nl.net> - BeOS fixes
- Scott Caudle <dorkmanzcot at gmail dot com> - Visualization, WX
- improvements
- Sebastien Chaumat <Sebastien.Chaumat at ens-lyon.fr> - YOPY port tests
- Steve Lhomme <steve dot lhomme at free dot fr> - MSVC fixes and Matroska enhancements
- Steve Brown <sbrown at cortland.com> - fix for optional PES size bug
- Steven M. Schultz <sms at TO.GD-ES.COM> - BSD/OS port
- Steven Sheehy - wxWidgets interface fix
- Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000 at users.sourceforge dot net> - Japanese translation
- Tim 'O Callaghan <tim.ocallaghan at limestudios dot com> - pvr input cleaning patch
- Thomas Graf <tgraf at europe.com> - gettext support, German translation
- Thomas L. Wood <twood at lucent.com> - fixed a bug in QuantMatrixExtension
- Tong Ka Man <kmtong at cwbase dot com> - playlist_Clear addition
- Udo Richter <udo underscore richter at gmx dot de> - Trancode padding / cropping
- Valek Filippov <frob at df.ru> - Russian translation
- Vicente Jimenez Aguilar <vice at v1ce.net> - Spanish translation
- Vincent van den Heuvel <heuvel@mac.com> - OSX about window artwork (v0.8.4)
- Vitalijus Slavinskas <Vitalijus.Slavinskas at stud.ktu dot lt> - nsv patches
- Vladimir Chernyshov - MMX motion optimizations
- Wade Majors <guru at startrek.com> - BeOS icon integration, debugging and fixes
- Wallace Wadge <wwadge at gmail.com> - multiple programs TS mux
- Watanabe Go <go at dsl.gr.jp> - fix for non-ASCII filenames
- Wei Mingzhi <whistler_wmz at users.sourceforge.net> - Simplied Chinese translation
- Xavier Maillard <zedek at fxgsproject.org> - audio converters
- Xavier Marchesini <xav at alarue.net> - Win32 fixes
- Xènia Albà Cantero <xenia_alba at hotmail.com> - Catalan translation
- Yves Duret <yves at zarb.org> - RPM packages